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abillionveg is a revolutionary app that gives you the power to make a difference and contribute to the vegan community in a wonderful way. You are able to put your food photography skills to good use by uploading photos of plant-based restaurant meals and products and reviewing them for others to see. What this does is showcase the delicious options available so that everyone can enjoy them.

South Africa already has a huge footprint within the app, with restaurant dishes from Cape Town, Joburg and Durban being reviewed all the time.

Perhaps the biggest drawcard of the app is the incentive it provides for adding reviews. For every review added, they will donate $1 to one of their partners of your choosing. These partners are sanctuaries and organisations helping to make the world a better place. Currently you can donate to two South African sanctuaries, Asher’s Farm Sanctuary and Greyton Farm Animal Sanctuary. We have already heard what a difference these donations have made to these sanctuaries and how quickly they add up. So get reviewing and do your little bit to help.


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