Pasta Aglio e Olio |


Pasta Aglio e Olio


Aglio e Olio literally means olive oil and garlic. It’s a traditional Italian dish well known for its simplicity. You only need a hand full of ingredients and it is so easy and quick to throw together.

But it’s also one of the tastiest pasta dishes you can make! Technically this dish is already vegan.

Except for when it has pasta made with egg in it This is a perfect dish for a lazy day or if you are in a rush. It’s normally made with spaghetti. If you aren’t too much of a purist, I’m sure you could make this with any pasta really.

I had some Black Truffle Pasta left from my Mezzaluna recipe that will work wonders with this dish!

Pasta Aglio e Olio |

Pasta Aglio e Olio

AuthorMartin Kotze

Yields1 Serving

 PASTA: Please refer to Mezzaluna Recipe for pasta ingredients. Or feel free to use normal store bought pasta. (Recommended serving suggestion)
 ¼ cup Olive Oil
 1 tbsp Dried Chili Flakes
 2 Cloves of Garlic (thinly sliced)
 Hand full of Parsley


In a small pot, got enough water to submerge the pasta to a rolling boil and season generously with salt.


If you are using fresh pasta, cook for 3 minutes. If using store-bought pasta, cook according to the packet instructions.


Chop the parsley very fine and keep aside.


In a pan on medium-low heat, add the olive oil and wait until it has a shimmer.


Finely slice the garlic. (the thinner the better)


Add the garlic and chili flakes to the oil and cook until just before it starts to brown (you really don’t want the garlic to burn or brown to much. I will become bitter).


Add the pasta and parsley directly to the oil with a good amount of the pasta water.


The pasta water will emulsify with the oil as you stir the pasta around and help it to thicken up a little and adhere to the pasta.


And that is your basic Pasta Olio E Aglio!


 PASTA: Please refer to Mezzaluna Recipe for pasta ingredients. Or feel free to use normal store bought pasta. (Recommended serving suggestion)
 ¼ cup Olive Oil
 1 tbsp Dried Chili Flakes
 2 Cloves of Garlic (thinly sliced)
 Hand full of Parsley



In a small pot, got enough water to submerge the pasta to a rolling boil and season generously with salt.


If you are using fresh pasta, cook for 3 minutes. If using store-bought pasta, cook according to the packet instructions.


Chop the parsley very fine and keep aside.


In a pan on medium-low heat, add the olive oil and wait until it has a shimmer.


Finely slice the garlic. (the thinner the better)


Add the garlic and chili flakes to the oil and cook until just before it starts to brown (you really don’t want the garlic to burn or brown to much. I will become bitter).


Add the pasta and parsley directly to the oil with a good amount of the pasta water.


The pasta water will emulsify with the oil as you stir the pasta around and help it to thicken up a little and adhere to the pasta.


And that is your basic Pasta Olio E Aglio!


Pasta Aglio e Olio

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Martin Kotze

Martin lives in Kimberley and is an accomplished graphic designer, photographer and videographer. He runs his own business, Die Swart Kat Productions, where his love of photography, videography and food combine in his amazing shoots. His passion and flair for cooking was only enhanced when becoming vegan and trying new and exciting ways to cook. The amazing production of Martin’s YouTube videos and his witty take on delicious vegan dishes, make his channel a must-watch for veg and non-veg alike

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